Product Info:
- Stores 8 measurements
- Measures in centimeters, feet, and inches
- LCD display
- Battery is included
- Tape measure stays once out until button is pressed
The tape measure works fine if measuring by the actual tape. Those numbers don't change. The tape stays put once pulled out, which I really like when measure larger items alone without someone to help hold the tape measure. It reels back in when button is pressed.
The digital portion of the tape measure needs improvement. The battery is replaceable and comes with the tape measure, which is great when the battery dies and needs changed. The digital readings is my biggest issue with this tape measure. The digital reading is frequently inaccurate. The inside measurement makes it obvious that the reading is off. I've had readings be off from -.4 to .4 of a centimeter. Resetting the measurement to 0 doesn't always work to get a correct reading when the tape is completely reeled inside the tape measure.
It's okay for a basic old fashion tape measure. The tape measure leaves much to be desired with the digital portion.
- Keeps tape extracted until button is pressed
- Lightweight
- Battery is replaceable
- Inaccurate with digital readings
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Great product review! For more of the product you can check out Best Digital Laser Tape Measure ! Thank you for posting!