I received the Ohuhu 3 x 3 x 3 Stickerless Speed/Rubiks Cube through a promotion.
Product Info:
- Solid color
- Fluent rotation
- Easy to grip

This rubiks cube is very easy to move and rotatoe. It moves fairly smoothly, unless you start pulling the sides out away from the rest of the rubiks cube.
I really like that this cube is stickerless. I remember growing up getting frustrated with rubiks cubes and peeling off the stickers and putting them back on when I couldn't get the rubiks cube to move the way I want it to.
Apparently, not much has changed. I'm still not a person good at trying to do the rubiks cube normally. I did learn that I have more fun taking it apart and putting it back together, so the colors all match. This rubiks cube is easy to take apart and rebuild. The material of the rubiks cube is abrasion resistant. When I was putting it back together, the pieces rubbing together didn't scratch each other or leave any marks on one another. The color stays on well.
The colors are bring and vibrant. The orange and red look similar when in bad lighting.
- Stickerless
- Size
- Easy to break down and rebuild
- Orange and red look similar in bad lighting
Check out this cube on Amazon.
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